

To use it in a Django project add bidiutils the project’s INSTALLED_APPS setting:


To enable the context processor, add it to TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS settings:


Template context variables

If you’ve added bidiutils.context_processors.bidi to TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS settings, you’ll have additional variables in the template context for templates using a RequestContext:


Direction of current language (ltr or rtl). The following common idiom:

{% load i18n %}<html dir="{{ LANGUAGE_BIDI|yesno:"rtl,ltr" }}">

Can be re-written as:

{% load i18n %}<html dir="{{LANGUAGE_DIRECTION}}">

Start of language layout (right for RTL, left for LTR). Useful in cases you want to align elements with inline style etc:

<div style="float:{{LANGUAGE_START}}">

End of language layout (left for RTL, right for LTR). Just like LANGUAGE_START, but denotes the other side. A sample usage with Bootstrap’s glyphicons to display an arrow going from language start to end:

<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-{{ LANGUAGE_END }}"></span>

Language marker entity (&rlm; for RTL, &lrm; for LTR). Those marker are inserted into a location to make an enclosed weak character inherit its writing direction.

Those are important to keep the flow correct in case of a weak directional character between to elements of the other direction. Take this template fragment for example:

{{ user1.full_name }}: {{post1.title}}
{{ user2.full_name }}: {{post2.title}}

assuming your current language’s direction is RTL, and user2’s full name and post title are in LTR (e.g: both in English) while user one’s are RTL The result will be rendered as (using UPPERCASE without actual content do demonstrate):


This is because the ‘:’ is weak character inheriting the direction for surrounding element(s). Inserting the current language marker ensures the correct layout

{{ user1.full_name }}{{LANGUAGE_MARKER}}: {{post1.title}}
{{ user2.full_name }}{{LANGUAGE_MARKER}}: {{post2.title}}

For more information see Bi-Directional text - Unicode support.

add_direction filter

Adds direction to the element. Make sure to load bidiutils_tags to use the filter which accepts a single, optional, argument:

Add the direction only in case of a right-to-left language. The default if no argument is passed.
Add the direction in both cases
Add the direction only in case of a left-to-right language

Assuming the current language is RTL, and image in the context is “arrow.png”:

{% load bidiutils_tags %}

<img src="{{image|add_direction}}" alt="arrow">
<img src="{{image|add_direction:"rtl_only"}}" alt="arrow">
<img src="{{image|add_direction:"both"}}" alt="arrow">
<img src="{{image|add_direction:"ltr_only"}}" alt="arrow">

The rendered result will be:

<img src="/media/img/arrow_rtl.png" alt="arrow">
<img src="/media/img/arrow_rtl.png" alt="arrow">
<img src="/media/img/arrow_rtl.png" alt="arrow">
<img src="/media/img/arrow.png" alt="arrow">

On the other hand, Assuming the current language is LTR, and image in the context is “arrow.png”, the rendered result of the above template would be:

<img src="/media/img/arrow.png" alt="arrow">
<img src="/media/img/arrow.png" alt="arrow">
<img src="/media/img/arrow_ltr.png" alt="arrow">
<img src="/media/img/arrow_ltr.png" alt="arrow">

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